A Royal Tradition – Tea Time at Edhance

Today is a historic day for our friends across the pond – the Royal Wedding! If you haven’t Googled pictures of the event, you really should, it is so cute, I can’t get enough. Here in the Edhance office, I’ve been getting a little grief over the fact that I am interested and enjoying all the Royal Wedding fanfare that has been clogging news outlets all across America for the past week. But, in truth, here at Edhance, there’s a little bit of Britain in each day in the office.

Royal Wedding

Ahhh... so cute! I die.

Every afternoon, around 3 o’clock, James makes us each a cup of traditional English tea. James’ family is from England, and our tea is truly authentic – the box even has the price in pounds and it lives up to my standards, born from tea time with my coworkers in London during my internship abroad. Each day we come together to get a caffeine pick-me-up just as the afternoon slump hits and a chance to catch up with one another over a cuppa. I would highly recommend this tradition to any office, I look forward to tea every afternoon, especially if I know I’ll be working late.

Tea time

Enjoying our tea in the office. Gavin is camera shy.

According to the New York Times, “the National Grid, the company that provides Britain’s electricity infrastructure, has estimated that 400,000 kettles will be boiled in households here after the royal couple exchange their vows, as the domestic television audience celebrates with cups of tea.” Amazing! Today, we’ll join them for our afternoon cup, where the conversation will inevitably turn to the Royal Wedding.

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  1. #1 by Sergei on May 4, 2011 - 10:55 am

    I love how naturally James pulls of the extended pinky!

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